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Launch - In Character: The Game Manual & Podcast

  • PRAKSIS 19 Rådhusgata Oslo, 0158 (map)

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This event is free and open to all

No talents needed. No experience needed. Go with the flow and let the fear go. At the end you will discover that you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
- Nasteha, PTAB member

Join in as PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board (PTAB) introduce In Character: The Game Manual {and Podcast} through drawing, performance, photography, and conversation – if you’d rather not actively participate, you’re welcome to sit back and check out a very cool book and podcast.

The game manual and podcast invite you to make arts spaces your own, one small action at a time. They share both ‘games’ based on workshops TAB were part of, and topics that TAB feel are important to discuss right now. In the words of PTAB member Sumaya;

    “Before I joined PTAB, I felt out of touch with anything that has to do with art, and usually ignored it, seeing it as different to me. In Character has shown me that art has a place for everyone. You don't need to be a singer, good at drawing, a dancer or a creative person - you can be anyone and still be a part of art somewhere.”

This book and podcast are for the art-curious, for people teaching art, for arts spaces that are open to challenging their ways of working, and anyone interested in new experiences and ideas.


14.00 CET Doors open

14.30 CET The Art of Seeing (Game Manual p. 34-35)
- an experiment in observing
held by Hannah and Mikkel
Two times during the evening (at 14.30 and 16.30)

15.00 CET Welcome followed by Open Conversation and Q&A
- find out more about In Character
moderated by Nasteha

16.00 CET – 16.30 CET Livestream via PRAKSIS’s Facebook Page
- Wherever you may be, join as PTAB introduce the manual and podcast

Throughout The Afternoon

  • Listen to the In Character Podcast in the chill out room

  • On show In Character: The Game Manual

  • Get In Character - create a character and get your portrait taken by performance artist Kirsty Kross and PTAB members Sumaya and Nasteha

  • Five times throughout the evening, each 15 minutes

  • Workshops:

    • The faces that make us; “Us”? (Game Manual p. 40-41)
      - challenge the typical self-portrait
      drawing workshop led by Nellie and Zeinab
      Ongoing – maximum 5 people at once

 17.00 CET Doors close


Who has been involved?

In Character: The Game Manual and Podcast are made by the Teen Advisory Boards of PRAKSIS and Index, together with team members from PRAKSIS, Index and Publics, designers Johannes Jellum and Tonje Lona Eriksen. They have been shaped through encounters with many people including: Sol Archer, Fredda Berg, Tormod Carlsen, João Doria, Mia Habib, Ina Hagen, Hanni Kamaly, Kirsty Kross, Kevin Leander Fiabema, Rudy Loewe, MYCKET, Temi Odumosu, Marit Silsand, Klara Utke Acs, and Gelawesh Waledkhani. The Game Manual is published by Byverkstedet Press.

PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board 2020/2021 Board Members are: Sadia Hassan, Nellie Barazandeh, Mikkel Inchley, Sumaya Elmi, Annine Slettebø, Noah Gylver, Hannah Røsholt Siger, Zeinab Al-khatib, and Nasteha Hassan Mahamed.

INDEX Teen Advisory Board 2020/2021 are: José Velasquez Esteban, Emil Pita, Sarika Ullah, Simon Sjöberg, Malin Issa, Adina Edfelt and Felix Krausz Sjögren.

About TAB

Teen Advisory Boards provide paid positions that place the voices of 16–21 year olds right at the centre of organisations. Bringing together a variety of backgrounds and life experiences, groups take experimental and critical approaches to the role and potential of art and culture today. Teen Advisory Boards actively support decision-making, evaluation, and programming. Through collective discussion, they propose projects and strategies for increasing young access to institutions.

About Our Partners

Index has multiple public roles as an art institution. We are a platform for artists and for audiences. We understand that the role of an art institution like Index does not begin and end with an exhibition – instead there is an ongoingness to the activities, research processes, learning programs and relationships between Index, artists and audiences. Index works with an artistic conceptual approach that aims to carve out space and time for criticality, dialogue, curiosity and building discursive situations that develop the role of art today.

PUBLICS is a curatorial agency with a dedicated library, event space and reading room in Vallila Helsinki, known for its industrial working class histories and, more recently, for its influx of divergent artistic and academic communities.

In Character is made possible by support from; Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme of the European Union, Norske Kulturråddet, Oslo Kommune, Nordic Culture Point, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, and Kulturtanken.



Du trenger ingen kunstneriske talenter. Ingen erfaring nødvendig. Gå med strømmen og la frykten forsvinne. Til slutt vil du oppdage at du kan gjøre hva som helst så lenge du bestemmer deg for det.
- Nasteha, PTAB-medlem

PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board inviterer deg til lanseringen av boken In Character: The Game Manual og Podcast – Your Tickets to the World of Art. En spennende lansering som inkludere tegning, rollespill og mange gode samtaler. Her kan du velge om du vil delta aktivt eller bare ta det rolig og observere. Det viktigste er at du kommer for å sjekke ut den fantastiske boken, hører litt på podcasten og hygger deg sammen med oss.

The Game Manual og podcasten er verktøy som du kan benytte deg av til å gjøre kunstfeltet ditt eget. I likheten med et spill skal The Game Manual gjøre det lettere for deg å entrer kunsten, et trekk/handling av gangen. I boken deler vi ut «spill» basert på workshops vi (Teen Advisory Boards) har vært en del av, og ulike temaer som vi føler er viktige å sette søkelyset på. Alle kan ta del i kunsten i følge PTAB-medlem Sumaya;

“Før jeg begynte i PTAB, følte jeg meg ute av kontakt med alt som har med kunst å gjøre. Jeg ignorerte det vanligvis og så det som noe annerlede. In Character har vist meg at kunstfeltet har en plass for alle. Du trenger ikke å være god til å synge, tegne, danse eller være en kreativ person – du kan være hvem som helst og fortsatt være en del av kunsten et eller annet sted.”

Boken og podcasten er for unge (og voksne) som er nysgjerrige på kunst, de som underviser i kunst, små og store kunst organisasjoner som ønsker å utfordre måten de jobber på og alle som generelt ønsker å lære noe nytt.

Hvem har vært involvert?

I Character: Game Manual og Podcast er laget av PRAKSIS (Oslo) og Index (Stockholms) Teen Advisory Boards, sammen med programmets prosjektledelse, gjestekunstnere og designere, Johannes Jellum and Tonje Lona Eriksen. Programmet har utformet seg igjennom møter kunstnere og kreative inkludert: Sol Archer, Fredda Berg, Tormod Carlsen, João Doria, Mia Habib, Ina Hagen, Hanni Kamaly, Kirsty Kross, Kevin Leander Fiabema, Rudy Loewe, MYCKET, Temi Odumosu, Marit Silsand, Klara Utke Acs, and Gelawesh Waledkhani.

PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board 2020/2021 består av: Sadia Hassan, Nellie Barazandeh, Mikkel Inchley, Sumaya Elmi, Annine Slettebø, Noah Gylver, Hannah Røsholt Siger, Zeinab Al-khatib, and Nasteha Hassan Mahamed.

INDEX Teen Advisory Board 2020/2021 består av: José Velasquez Esteban, Emil Pita, Sarika Ullah, Simon Sjöberg, Malin Issa, Adina Edfelt and Felix Krausz Sjögren.


Teen Advisory Boards består av to grupper i alderen 16-21 som møtes månedlig for workshops, møte med kunstner og ulike kunstorganisasjoner, og dele sine meninger og perspektiver om dagens kunst -og kultur tilbud.

Teen Advisory Boards (TAB) tilbyr betalte styreverv for unge mellom 16-21 år med ulike livserfaringer og sosioøkonomisk bakgrunner. Det setter unges stemmer og kritiske meninger i hjerte av organisasjonene. TAB utforsker kunst -og kulturs rolle i dagens samfunn, foreslår prosjekter og fremtidige strategier basert på unges perspektiver.

Våre partnere:

In Character er utviklet av Teen Advisory Boards ved Index (Stockholm) og PRAKSIS (Oslo) sammen med PUBLICS (Helsinki).

Prosjektet er støttet av; @Erasmus+: Aktiv Ungdom, Norsk Kulturråd, Oslo Kommune, Nordic Culture Point, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB og Kulturtanken.


Alle besøkende må registrere seg ved ankomst. Vi oppfordrer alle til å holde 1 meters avstand. Ta gjerne med munnbind ellers så vil vi ha både munnnbind og håndsprit tilgjengelig.

Earlier Event: January 12
PRAKSIS Development Forum 28 - Online
Later Event: February 12
In Character: Publication and Podcast

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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